A Difference Maker is an ordinary person who accomplishes extraordinary things by creating positive change in his or her community and in the lives of others.

Lately, it seems like the news only highlights problems and overlooks the good things happening around us. Destination Downriver is here to change that narrative. Through our Downriver Difference Maker series, we’re shining a spotlight on the positive impact individuals are making in their communities, businesses, and the region as a whole. We're celebrating those who are driving meaningful change and truly making a difference in people’s lives.

A Catalyst for Positive Change is a Recipe for Ongoing Success.

For more than 100 years, the Genthe family have been part of Downriver’s business landscape. George Genthe set in place a rock-solid business model back in 1916 with his first dealership. That model placed a premium on integrity, community, and trust, all of which had to be earned, curated, and delivered consistently. Commitment to those values has made the Genthe brand among the most revered in Michigan automotive circles.

"Businesses aren’t just about turning a profit; they’re also best when they’re engines for positive change in the community.”

Four generations later Bruce Genthe, has become the standard bearer for that Genthe brand ethic overseeing a business that consistently demonstrates in words and actions in their commitment to supporting the community through numerous initiatives and contributions. Whether it’s being a prominent player in Southgate’s community development serving on the city’s Downtown Development Authority, sponsorship for local events, clubs, causes and non-profits, Genthe Chevrolet sets high standards on activism and outcomes.

For the Genthe family, collaboration in business and in community are key to their company’s enduring success. That philosophy is something Bruce and his siblings Emily and Andrew continue to practice at the helm of their business that has thrived downriver since 1916. In Bruce’s terms, “Businesses aren’t just about turning a profit; they’re also best when they’re engines for positive change in the community.”

For business leaders like the Genthe family, life is not a spectator sport and businesses can’t operate in a vacuum, they tend to thrive in robust and vibrant communities. That sense of reciprocity, where doing good translates into doing well for the business has been a driving force behind the Genthe success. Food drives, school supply drives, student art in Market Center Park or most recently collecting over $5,000 of food supplies for Southgate’s downriver animal shelter, the Genthe’s are making a huge difference in their community and the entire downriver region.

This ongoing commitment to making where they do business a better place has also ignited something of a ripple effect according to Bruce Genthe. They’ve become a leadership by example company for other Southgate businesses to jump in and get involved. In Bruce Genthe’s view of things, “everyone has the potential to be a difference maker.”

Collaboration is at the core of how the Genthe family, and their dealership team operate. That factor is abundantly clear to city leaders in Southgate who see it on display by their actions. As Bruce framed it, “working together is a win-win situation for everyone, not just here in Southgate but throughout the entire downriver area. “

This Genthe business philosophy is underscored by a recent academic customer purchase patterns study that revealed 71% of consumers prefer to purchase from a purpose-driven companies.  With over a century in business, it seems clear that the Genthe family is onto something.

“Working together is a
win-win situation for everyone, not just here in Southgate but throughout the entire Downriver area."